Brookfield Tai Chi News Feed

Summer happenings…

This summer in the studio we are looking at the Tai Chi Ruler system of exercises during the qigong portion of the class.  It’s a gentle but powerful series of Chinese yoga developed over 1,000 years ago.  It follows the theory and principles of Tai Chi Quan using yogic instead of Buddhist breathing techniques.

During the Tai Chi portion of each class we continue to study the traditional Yang 24 form in the weekday morning classes, and the Wu 30 movement short form in the weekday evening and Saturday morning classes.

Sometime in September we will start looking at The Crane and Monkey animal frolic qigong exercises for late summer and fall seasons.

New students are always welcome and I offer private lessons outside of the normal public schedule of classes.

Please call/text me at (203) 470-4669 or email for more information or to reserve your spot in class.

Stay well and remember to practice!

Sifu Vinny


Vinny CSummer happenings…

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