Brookfield Tai Chi News Feed

Full Tune-Up for Your Sore, Achy Body!

Do you suffer from chronic pain or discomfort?  Tired constantly taking pain meds or going to PT for some temporary relief?  It’s time to take control and empower your body to help heal itself.

Liangong is an exercise system that combines orthopedic science and sports medicine.  It’s a varied system of 54 exercises.  This first series introduces 18 exercises that emphasizes correct posture and movement to address pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, legs, ankles and feet.

Learn Liangong and find your internal healing power!

Liangong Series 1: Stress, Strains & Sprains.
Friday, 9/29 – 10/20, 6:30-7:30pm
Monday 11/27 – 12/18, 6:30-7:30pm
Fee: $44

The classes are being held in the Whisconier Middle School Cafe in Brookfield.

Please call Brookfield Parks and Rec to register at (203) 775-7310 or click the link below:

Liangong (Series 1) for Stress, Strains and Sprains (

Click here for more information and a complete schedule of classes at the Brookfield Tai Chi Studio

Any questions?  Call Sifu Vinny

Vinny CFull Tune-Up for Your Sore, Achy Body!

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